Top 10 Movies

The Dark Knight
2h 32min
• Action, Crime, Drama
With the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and new district attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to destroy organised crime in Gotham City forever; but they soon find themselves prey to a rising criminal mastermind known as The Joker.
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Pulp Fiction
2h 34min
• Crime
The lives of a pair of low-rent hitmen, their boss’s sexy wife, and a desperate prizefighter intersect in a wildly exhilarating motion picture adventure that both thrills and amuses. WARNING: Contains High Impact Coarse Language, Violence, Drug Use.
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2h 6min
• Crime, Mystery
The final case for a retiring detective and his rookie partner follows a serial killer using the Bible’s seven deadly sins to target his victims.
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The Godfather Part II
3h 20min
• Crime, Drama
This brilliant companion piece to the original THE GODFATHER continues the saga of two generations of successive power within the Corleone family. Often regarded as the best sequel ever made, the film won six Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
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The Silence of the Lambs
1h 58min
• Crime, Drama, Horror
Clarice Starling, a gutsy FBI trainee haunted by her past, risks her life in an attempt to save a missing woman from certain death. The desperate, deadly search for a killer makes Clarice confront her deepest fears as she must confront and befriend convicted psychopathic serial killer Dr. Hannibal 'the Cannibal' Lechter, a monstrous brilliant psychiatrist, who can lead her to the murderer.
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The Green Mile
3h 8min
• Crime, Drama, Fantasy
A head guard on death row encounters a prisoner with divine powers and a gentle demeanor that belies the grisly murder for which he’s been convicted.
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The Departed
2h 25min
• Crime, Drama, Thriller
Two Boston cops are sent deep undercover - one inside the gang of a charismatic Irish mob boss and the other double-crossing his own department, keeping the crime boss one step ahead of the police. Winner of 4 Academy Awards including Best Picture.
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2h 1min
• Crime, Drama, Thriller
Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks, the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's part of the world around him. Isolated, bullied and disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker.
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The Wolf of Wall Street
2h 59min
• Comedy, Crime
Revered filmmaker; Martin Scorsese directs the story of New York stockbroker Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio). From the American dream to corporate greed, Belfort goes from penny stocks and righteousness to IPOs and a life of corruption in the late 80s. Excess success and affluence in his early twenties as founder of the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont warranted Belfort the title – “The Wolf...
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2h 22min
• Crime, Drama
Based on a true story, a young man rises up the ranks of a mob family over several years, dabbling in drugs, heists and murders along the way.
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